Sunday, January 17, 2010

First Week In Lake Charles, LA

Well, we left campus in Iowa on Monday and drove to Memphis, TN where we stayed in a hotel for the night. Once we got there we got our rooms and headed out to Beale Street for dinner. It was nice. We found this really cool place that had a live band and had a great time!

The next day, Tuesday, we drove the rest of the way to Lake Charles, LA. We are staying at University Methodist Church. It's pretty nice. We have an upstairs place where we are staying and it has one room for beds and one room for living room (tv, couches, etc.) Its pretty cool. Our showers, however, are a different story. The Church was suppose to have an outdoor trailor-ish shower thing but its not working. So we've been going to Trinity Baptist Church to work out at their gym everyday after work and then we get our showers there. It's kinda frustrating but at the same time the showers at Trinity are better and it gives us that push to work out everyday. So it's nice.

So far this week from Wednesday-Friday we have raked leaves, fixed a broken shower trailor at a DIFFERENT Church, painted and hung shutters, mudded, sanded, and hung dry wall. The weather here is day its cold, the next day it's raining and storming, and then the next it's nice and sunny. It was fun the other day when Griff and I had to hang shutters up in the pouring rain haha.

Today we went to the lake and walked around. One of the really cool things we found was this memorial thing from the WTC of 9-11

And a piece that came straight from the Pentagon

Overall so far its been an ok week. We haven't done too much work yet, but it's only been 3 work days. Tomorrow (Monday) is MLK day and the organization we work with is closed. So we are working with a different organization in Sulfur, LA which is about a 20 minute drive from here. They are feeding us pizza for lunch...and then that night for dinner our site supervisor here in Lake Charles invited us to his house for gator gumbo!! mmmmm!! haha. That will be an adventure all in itself. Well guys, until next week, "My time is up, I thank you for yours." God bless!!!


  1. If your living and working standards aren't up to CNCS standards you need to complain to CNCS Office of Inspector General. They make the deals for living and working standards with the NGO and they are paid to do this.

    I have heard stories of living standards that closed programs and it has to be stopped or the next CNCS will have the same or worse problems.

  2. oh no, it's not that bad....the Church thought the showers were ok but something happened that caused them to not be in working order. They are working on getting them fixed, but we aren't to worried about it b/c the other Church that we go to to do PT has waaaay better showers and we enjoy it's all good. No worries. Thanks though!
