Friday, October 16, 2009

How I Became An NCCC Member

Well, where to begin? Let's see.....I started this summer not really knowing what to do with my life. I had just graduated college from Faulkner University in Montgomery, AL with a BA in Mathematics, and I STILL had no idea what to do! I was so lost and pretty much going insane trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my life. That's when I really started to turn to God. I prayed more, I read my BIBLE more. My whole mindset was changed and my way of thinking was changed to where I thought about God and His will for me in everything that I did. Everything I did in my life from then on out seem to have a theme with me. When I read my BIBLE, it never failed, I always seemed to come across a verse that at least mentioned service or love or something along those lines. In Church, we would sing songs of loving your brother and showing compassion for them. My preacher would preach lessons on Love and being Christ like. I thought to myself," How can I just ignore this? This must be a sign from God!" The more I pray and read my BIBLE the more it all made sense! This is my calling! God has called me to service. To be a light, a vessel for Christ in a world that needs Him! And to show the world Christ's love through service. My motto? "Serve God by serving others." Sounds pretty simple doesn't it? But that one little sentence means sooo much. And can be really hard to follow through with. Well, here is where the story kicks in.....I just randomly, literally RANDOMLY, called the Volunteer & Information Center (VIC) in Montgomery, AL asking if they were hiring. Well that's when the lady told me about Americorps VISTA positions available. I researched the website and thats how I read about National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC). The more I read, the more I liked....and the more I liked, the more I LOVED!! I found out anything and everything I could about this so called group NCCC. So, I sent in the online application in mid-June for the Winter 2010 term that will start in February of 2010. Got a packet in the mail about two weeks later that told me to call a certain number and set up a phone interview. I did, and had my interview on Thursday July 16th at 2:00 PM. And EXACTLY 6 weeks later to the day, I received a letter in the mail saying that I was placed on the alternate list. I was a little bummed about that until I found out, via NCCC Facebook group, that everybody had been placed on the alternate list at the moment. So that was good. This whole time, whenever i've prayed to God I would say ," Lord...let YOUR will be done, not mine. Please let whatever happens be to your glory." You will see in a sec where that comes to play.

While being on the alternate list I had started volunteering with the Habitat For Humanity here locally in Etowah County building houses. It's pretty fun and I met some cool people. I also traveled to Louisville, KY and volunteered with Christian Appalachian Project (CAP) doing Flood Relief work.

Ok so this is where it gets REALLY good. Today is Thursday October 15, 2009.....I got a phone call from a very sweet lady named Tiffany from NCCC headquarters in Washington D.C. just yesterday on Wednesday October 14, 2009 around 6:00 PM. She had informed me that there had been several people back out for whatever reason and decided not to do NCCC for the Fall term that had JUST started that day. They had to fill those spots quick! They had randomly chosen about 5 or 6 people from the Winter 10' group to be bumped up and join the Fall 09' group in Denver, CO. She then told me, "We need your answer by tomorrow. You fly out Friday morning." I'm thinking to myself, "What!? I have less than 2 days to first off, decide to go or not...second, quit my job (lol).....and third, get everything packed and bought!?!?, etc. etc.". To say the least it was a very overwelming moment and I was nervous, excited, anxious, scared(??) and just flat out freaking out inside to be honest. Tiffany was funny and cutting up and laughing with me a lot which made it easier to deal with. But you can understand what's going on in my head at the time. I live in North Alabama. My friends and family knew I was wanting to leave for 10 months around February. But Denver, CO in 2 days!!?? So I'm sitting there home alone on my couch talking to Tiffany and she's making me laugh and all. The moment, and I mean the MOMENT I hang up with her, I started crying (hey i'm man enough to admit that). I'm sitting there on the couch crying and all I could say was, "God thank you....but what do I do?? I have to leave in 2 days...I have a job, family that has no clue about this and I don't know how they'll react. God help me...what do I do!!??" The more I thought about it, the more I came to the realization that if I had declined this offer, it would have looked REALLY bad on my part about my faith. I pray to God to let his will be done, I pray asking Him to let me join this amazing group. And then I get offered a position (4 months early mind you) and then decline it!? It seems to me like God is telling me something..."Tim, you've prayed all this time to allow you to get chosen to serve. And I will grant that request. But the thing about it is, you're on my time, i'm not on yours. You are going NOW and not in Feb. Pack up my son, and go.....NOW." That little quote right there kept playing in my head. And it's true!!! I have to be willing to drop everything and go serve my God! I live on His time, not vice versa!

I wanted to get the opinions of others as well. Friends & family. I wasn't sure how they'd react or what. But my friends and family have been nothing short of supportive of me going. I heard nothing but "go for it!" ...."chance of a lifetime"..etc.etc. So, I said all this to get to the end now. I decided to accept Tiff's offer and fly out Friday which I guess is technically now b/c I am sitting here typing this at 2 AM waiting on laundry to get done haha. I leave in the morning for the airport in Birmingham, AL and will continue my life changing journey with NCCC in Denver, CO. God has truly spoken to me. He's led me to this point in my life and i'm NOT turning back. This is what i'm meant to do and nothing is getting in my way. I ask that you all pray for me and those that will be volunteering with me. I hope to keep all of you informed with blogs and with pictures once a week if at all possible. But sometimes internet availability will be hard when i'm traveling. I also have a Facebook account that will have the photos as well. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day. "My time is up, I thank you for yours." God bless!!!


  1. Awesome post!! I'm so excited for you!! I'm going to put the link to your blog on mine. If you'd prefer me not to, just let me know and I'll take it off. I hope that you had a safe flight!

  2. Well..that was a very exciting story :)
    Even though I knew most of it, it was still fun to read..haha :)
    You're forever in my prayers..I'm so glad that you are finally getting to have that adventure/experience that we all look for(:
    I miss my text buddie(you) already..haha :)
    I'm sure that we won't get to talk a whole lot, because you'll be a busy bee, and so I wanted to thank you for all the advice and time you have given me :)
    You've helped me out a lot..More than you'd belive :)
    So have fun stay safe..
    ~Kayla Marie L.

  3. I am so excited about what you are going to experiance over the next 10 months. I like what you wrote about what you felt God was telling you as you debated your decision. You said you felt like God was telling you to pack up and go now. So often we hear sermons about God asking us to leave everything and while many of us are willing we want to do it on our time table. We want to finish the plans we have here first and then follow where God is leading. The last few days of your life is a beautiful picture of someone willing to be obedient to God and open to His timing. I know God will honor your faithfulness. I'll wrap up tonight by simply reminding you that no matter what you are doing to do it for the honor and glory of your heavenly father. It was He who called you to Denver 4 months "early" and He will be with you in everything you do!!

  4. had gose bumps all over reading ur story.. very toucing indeed.. i am happy for u..


  5. simply amazing, i hope that we can all have a story to tell like yours !!
