Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My AmeriCorps Room

Well guys, here is my room that I am staying in for the duration of my 10 months when I am NOT on spike....majority of the time I will be on spike, but while we are back on campus during transition periods, i'll be staying here. My bed is the blue one and my roommates has the brown comforter.
It's pretty cool. Just like a regular dorm room.

It has a sink in the room

And a few closets for storage space

And a pretty cool desk space for our laptops!

Anyway, probably the most boring blog I'll post on this thing but eh...thought it would be cool to show you guys where i'm stayin. Anyway! "My time is up, I thank you for yours." God bless!


  1. Haha :)
    It's nice. And it's cool to see where you're having to stay for parts of the time you are there..And it's actually not to messy..i'm impressed..haha..j/k (:

  2. (reguarding to the comment you left on my random post)Ha Ha Ha..I am not a goober! :P
    I wasn't the one pretending to be a dinosuar..even though it was my idea it doesn't make me a goober haha :P
    Plus they were keeping the kids entertained so it worked out pretty nicely :P lol!
