Sunday, November 1, 2009

Snow, Snow, Snoooow!!!!!

So this week as you can see is going to be about how much SNOOOW we got. I don't know the exact amount but I know it was well into the 12 in. mark. Prob way more than that. But anyway, lets start with Monday....Monday was a day off for my unit since Saturday we did a project raking leaves. So I spent the day just relaxing. I took about a 2 hour nap when my friends called to wake me up and go to dinner. I went with Jessica, Pat, & Avi. What stunk about it though was that about halfway through dinner I started feeling sick. I don't know if it was b/c I ate too fast after waking up or if it was the food. But my stomach just wasn't happy. I eventually got better and we spent the rest of the night playing Phase 10 haha! I know I know, it's kind of the norm for us now. But we all enjoy the games we play and it brings us closer as a team.

Lets fast forward to Wednesday...Wednesday we had safety training from 8:00AM-12:00PM. A guy talked to us about the safety rules on the project site and just basicly on how not to be stupid. We took a lunch break and were suppose to reconnect at 1:30 PM for tool safety but we got a message from our TL's that the rest of the day PLUS tomorrow (Thursday) was cancelled cuz of snoooww!!!! So, OF COURSE, we all changed out of our uniforms and went outside and played in it....had some snowball fights, and built a are a few pics:

Later that day, after dinner, I played cards with Sophia and Kelly and then we played Scattegories & Life. I had a lot of fun with them. It was yet another nice end to the day.

Thursday, like I said, we had the day off b/c of several of us (Sophia, Jessica, Danielle, Pat & I) decided to take a trip to the Denver Art Museum. It was a pretty cool place to go. We walked quite a bit to get there after the bus and train ride. And enjoy a lot of cool scenery from the snow.

Now Friday came around and the snow had let up and was starting to go away so we actually did something. The entire campus had times set up for their unit to go indoor rock climbing! It was pretty cool. I attempted 3 walls and was only able to complete 2 of them. My first one I only made it about 2/5 of the way up. I guess I underestimated its difficulty cuz I hadn't done something like this a lot and didn't have much experience. So I attempted other walls and got the hang of it.
Saturday me, Sophia, Jessica, Pat, Kelly, and Lena went to this Japanese Sushi restaurant place called "Sonoda's Sushi"...I don't eat seafood so I got the Teryaki Chicken but it was still wonderful. We walked around town a bit and went to this market and got a pumpkin to carve, so that was cool. Plus, it was Halloween night so there were some interesting characters lurking around. By the time we decided to head back to campus the buses had stopped running so we decided to call a cab. Well this cab company told us 15 after 45 minutes had gone by we were getting quite aggravated so we decided to call every stinkin' cab service in the area haha...we ended up calling and ordering about 5 or 6 different taxis. So, we decided that while we were going to wait we would do so inside of an IHOP instead of being out in the freezing cold. When we got there the waitress told us after we had sat down that they were going to be closing soon. We informed her that all we were doing was waiting and that we really just wanted some hot chocolate/coffee and we wouldn't mind leaving whenever she needed us to. She offered to call for us a cab b/c according to her ,"I do this all the time for people and they're here in 10 minutes." .......well then, we call and order a taxi and are still waiting about an hour later, she calls and what you know...a taxi in less than 10 minutes shows up lol we're getting ready to leave and we go to the register to pay and she says ," you know what, you guys were so understanding about leaving....i'm not gonna make you pay for those drinks, especially since its so cold outside." Well talk about a blessing in disguise! We're fa-reezziing!! and the taxis are late and we end up with free hot chocolate. So we hopped into the taxi and enjoyed our FREE HOT CHOCOLATE and made it back to campus safely :)

And now today...Sunday....I went with Leia to the Denver Rescue Mission and helped out with some clothing distribution and a soup kitchen type of thing. We did some food prep, and served, and cleaned up. I was there from about 4 until 8...and then afterwards Leia and I went to dinner to this "noodle" place haha....she wanted to take pics of our food....she said "it's what we Asians do" haha
This week has been kinda slow in a sense b/c of the snow days that we've gotten. But next week will be different with more training and things to do. Like I think we'll be getting a training session with the Red Cross b/c that's one of the things that was cancelled this week. We'll see though. Oh! And plus we'll hear who are permanent teams are on Thursday! Everybody is kinda nervous about that but also excited. I'll let you guys knows about next week come the weekend. So until then stay awesome and leave me messages!! I have the rest of my "snow" pics on my facebook so go check em out! "My time is up, I thank you for yours." God bless!!!


  1. gotta love that hot chocolate!!!

    I still haven't figured out why the only way I can leave a message is under "anonymous" but you know who it is! Wait, I think you's Meshack.

  2. I like this post.. very nice photos.. esp the photo of the cars with snow on top :) yummy food :)

