Wednesday, November 25, 2009

New Campus

Hey guys! I'm really sorry I haven't posted something in a long time. I've actually been at home for Thanksgiving break! But I will be heading back sometime next week and going to Vinton, Iowa.....Vinton, Iowa? I thought you were in Denver Tim?....well yes I was in Denver, CO....but w/out going into all the details, things didn't work out in Denver and so I will now be joining with a new team at a different campus in Vinton,, it's pretty cool. I will finish out my service with AmeriCorps NCCC in Vinton, Iowa starting next week! I will hopefully be updating and writing new blogs once a week on the weekends. I hope this find everybody doing well and that you all have a great Thanksgiving! "My time is up, I thank you for yours." God bless!!

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