Sunday, December 13, 2009

Vinton, Iowa Spike 1

Well, it sure has been a while since i've posted a blog on here but hey here it is!!! I'm now in Vinton, Iowa as you all know still with AmeriCorps NCCC. The pic above is my new team and they are AMAZING! Some of the funnest people ever! Ok so I arrived here about 2 weeks ago and from the get go I started work with this team. CEDAR 7!! Our project is in Cedar Rapids, IA which is only about a 45 minute drive from Vinton, so we ended up staying on campus for our housing. Which is nice b/c we have the entire campus to ourselves along with one other team....CEDAR 6. Also, some really cool people to hang out with. Anyway, we are working with a volunteer group out of Cedar Rapids repairing homes. So far i've done a lot of mudding, sanding, and putting up dry wall.

Last Saturday me, Trishy, and Daniel did an ISP (Independent Service Project) with the Vinton Rec Center doing 2 different activities. In the morning we helped worked what they called "breakfast with Santa". We cooked and prepared the food. Then we served it. Helped clean up and get ready for the next event which was crafts with the kids!
I had a blast helping these kids out. And what talent! Some of the coolest design i've seen. Definitely a lot of fun and would love to do this type of work again.

Two of the days this past week, we were given the day off as far as work in Cedar Rapids goes, b/c of the snow. But we did, however, still work on campus and do service.

This past Friday night we had a murder mystery dinner! It was a blast! I played the firefighter haha. Even though I came dressed as a millionaire b/c thats what i was told. But that's ok! It was soo much fun especially since that was the first time i've done anything like that.

Yesterday a few of us went snow sledding. I've never done that so that was super cool!

All in all, my first spike has been a blast.....helping rebuild/repair these homes so these communities can continue to recover and grow is such a huge uplifting thing to do. The results have been astronomical and they're only going to get better. That excites me that even after we're gone, there will be others to come behind us and continue the work. I've been blessed enough to be working on this project and i'm excited to see how the next project will be. Which by the way is going to be in Lake Charles, LA!!! Thanks guys, I hope you have a blessed day! "My time is up, I thank you for yours." God bless!

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